Dating with herpes

The first date after a genital herpes diagnosis may seem a little strang. You don’t want your love life to be limited by a diagnosis.You may want to go smoothly. Read the tips and advice from people with herpes.

Now that you know you have herpes, you may be worried about being judged. You may be scared they could spread herpes to their future partners. Fortunately, it turns out that most of the time dating with herpes isn't nearly as scary as worrying about it.

Now that you know you have herpes, you may be worried about being judged. You may be scared they could spread herpes to their future partners. Fortunately, it turns out that most of the time dating with herpes isn't nearly as scary as worrying about it.

Fear of being rejected and perhaps being uncomfortable about sexual health concerns makes it a tricky subject to bring up. Should you tell a partner you have herpes? . However, it is more likely that your partner will respect your openness and honesty and it will be an opportunity to take your relationship to a deeper level of trust and understanding.

Fear? Shame? Guilt? Avoidance when disclosing? Read how to destroy your herpes shame and be upfront your diagnosis.

Having herpes doesn’t mean you’re “dirty” or a bad person — it means you’re a normal human who got a really common infection

Letting someone else know that you have herpes can be a nerve-racking experience. We provided a range of tips, tactics and techniques to help you tell other people you have herpes without fear, anxiety or other common issues.
If you’re living with herpes and you feel depressed, ashamed, or loneliness, you may want to participate in a herpes support group. You can learn to talk about herpes, share personal experience, and speak with others who are living with herpes and are in control. Seeing that other people get on with their lives as normal relieves part of the anxiety.
Herpes does not change all the good and wonderful things that make you ‘you’. It has nothing to do with your intelligence, social habits, or bank account. You are a loving, sexual, whole individual and no-one else on the planet has the things that you have to offer – remember this. This skin condition does not make the essence of you any less beautiful.

If you have herpes, don’t worry that your love life is over. While there’s no cure for herpes , herpes treatment is simple and can shorten or prevent outbreaks, so you can still have a love life.You can have great sex, find love, and also cut down on the chance of passing herpes along to your partner. Just keep these few things in mind

Can I have hookups if I have herpes?

Can I have hookups if I have herpes? Can you have hookups with herpes? Can you have one night stands with herpes? The answer is yes, but it comes with responsibilities. Open communication, safe practices, and respect for your partner's choices are vital. Read more how to have a great causal sex life with herpes.

Can you have kids if you have herpes? A diagnosis of genital herpes can feel devastating. Once the shock wears off, you’ll find that you can continue to do a lot of the same things you could before. You can still have kids if you have herpes too.