Herpes Support Groups
For someone who is living with herpes, life can be frustrating during times of outbreak. Since HSV remains in the body for life, many people with herpes suffer from depression and frustration knowing that there’s no known cure for herpes. Herpes support groups helps those living with herpes deal with the psychological aspects of herpes and share other people exprience with herpes.
If you’re living with herpes and you feel depressed, ashamed, or loneliness, you may want to participate in a herpes support group. You can learn to talk about herpes, share personal experience, and speak with others who are living with herpes and are in control. Seeing that other people get on with their lives as normal relieves part of the anxiety. There are two kinds of herpes support groups.
Have herpes & feel alone? Meet nearby people with herpes

PositiveSingles is one of the most popular dating websites for people suffering from herpes and other STD. It was initiated in 2001. With 1,510,800+ members you are sure to find lots of potentail people around you.
Join and meet nearby people with herpes, browse profiles and chat now!
Online Herpes Support Groups
National support groups for both those living with herpes and herpes called HELP groups – listed by state with their contact information, websites, and locations. Additionally, a list of HELP groups in Canada and Australia. Some HELP groups meet in person, others administer hotlines, and some prefer online forums – many run a combination of 2 or more of those approaches. As each group is run individually, contact the group to determine if their mode of communication suits your support needs.
Support groups provide information and allow participants to share experiences, fears, and feelings with others who are concerned about herpes. The groups listed here are not sponsored or endorsed by this website, and are entirely responsible for their activities and the content of their websites.
Phoenix Valley HELP
Phoenix, AZ
(602) 867-6613
Email: PHXVHG@hotmail.com
Prescott Herpes Support Group
Prescott, AZ
Email: hsgprescott@gmail.com
Los Angeles HELP
Culver City, CA
(310) 845-6656
Email: info@lahelp.org
Orange County HELP
Orange, CA
(310) 845-6656
San Francisco HELP
San Francisco, CA
(650) 704-4021
Email: HELP_SF@yahoo.com
Bay Area Friends
San Francisco, CA
Central CT HELP
Newington, CT
Email: hsv2secret@sbcglobal.net
HELP of Washington
Washington, DC
(301) 369-1323
Broward and Palm Beach HELP
Email: helpinsfl@yahoo.com
Central Florida H2O
Orlando, FL
(407) 263-5347
Chicago HELP
Chicago, IL
(312) 810-8132
Email: info@chicagohelp.org
Shirley, IN
(765) 785-9219
Email: gaylabaer@gmail.com
Des Moines, IA
New Orleans H Meetup
New Orleans, LA
Boston HELP
Boston, MA
(781) 648-4266
Metro Detroit HELP
PO Box 806212 Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080
(313) 744-3571
Email: MetroDetroitHELP@gmail.com
Washtenaw County HELP
Novi, MI
Email: wchfacilitator@aol.com
Twin Cities HELP
Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN
(800) 78-FACTS (toll-free MN only)
North Carolina
Triad HELP
c/o Planned Parenthood
(336) 373-0678
New Jersey
South Jersey HELP
Information Line Only – No Meetings Scheduled
(609) 748-2518
Email: hcir@netzero.com
New York
HRA (Herpes Recovery Anonymous) of New York City
Email: nychra@yahoo.com
Cincinnati HELP
Cincinnati, OH
PO Box 17711
Covington, KY 41017
Email: cincinnati_help@yahoo.com
Ohio Friends
Columbus, OH
(614) 706-1424 text or voice
Email: info@ohiofriends.org
Tulsa HELP
c/o Planned Parenthood
Tulsa, OK
(918) 587-1101
Email: WeHELPinTulsa@yahoo.com
Portland Area HELP
Portland, OR
(503) 727-2640
Email: portlandareahelp@aol.com
North Texas HELP
c/o Planned Parenthood of North Texas
Arlington, TX
(817) 276-8063 x.2241
Austin HELP
Austin, TX
Email: Austin_Help@yahoo.com
Houston HELP
Houston, TX
(866) 841-9139 x 2551 (toll-free)
Email: HoustonHELP@yahoo.com
San Antonio HELP
San Antonio, TX
Email: SAFriends-Owner@YahooGroups.com
Calgary HELP
Calgary, AB
(403) 228-7400
British Columbia
Vancouver HELP
Vancouver, BC
(604) 515-5500
Winnipeg HELP
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 940-2200
Toronto HELP
c/o The Phoenix Association
Toronto, ON
Montreal HELP
Montreal, QC
(514) 855-8995
Sydney HELP
c/o Sydney Sexual Health Centre
PO Box 1614, Sydney, New South Wales 2001
02 9382 7440
Have herpes & feel alone? Meet nearby people with herpes

PositiveSingles is one of the most popular dating websites for people suffering from herpes and other STD. It was initiated in 2001. With 1,510,800+ members you are sure to find lots of potentail people around you.
Join and meet nearby people with herpes, browse profiles and chat now!
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