Can you still have healthy kids with herpes?
A diagnosis of genital herpes can feel devastating. You may have the quesiton "Can i still have kids and them not have it?". Yes, you can still have kids if you have herpes. Herpes will not stop you from having babies. Just take precautions. Read the ways to avoid spreading herpes while pregnant at the end of this aritlce. You can have a fulfilling life and have healthy babies. Remember you are not alone.
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PositiveSingles is one of the most popular dating websites for people suffering from herpes and other STD. It was initiated in 2001. With 1,510,800+ members you are sure to find lots of potentail people around you.
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A mother can infect her baby herpes
The risk of infecting the baby is high (30% to 50%) when a woman is newly infected late in pregnancy, however. That's because the mother's immune system has not developed protective antibodies against the virus.
Women with an older herpes infection have antibodies against the virus, which help protect the baby.If a woman had genital herpes before getting pregnant, or if she is first infected early in pregnancy, the chance that her baby will be infected is very low -- less than 1%.
Success Stories
I have genital herpes. I found out when I was pregnant with my second child. I was put on meds to clear up the outbreak and then took them till I gave birth. I had my baby vaginally with no problems. When I was in labor the doctor used some special light on my vagina to make sure there was no signs of an outbreak and there wasn’t. If there would have been I would have had to have a c-sections. Whenever you become pregnant just be sure to talk to your OBGYN about it and you’ll be good!
I’ve got a 3 year old and currently 38 weeks pregnant. My 3 year old was fine, got tested at birth to be sure and took meds at the end of pregnancy till she was born and am on meds with this one now until delivery.
2 babies born vaginally no issues.U can take meds last month of preg to prevent our breaks if u hv an outbreak during delivery they’ll do c-sec.
I had one V birth and he is fine. ❤️ They put me on Valtrex the last stage of my pregnancy. ❤️
I have 4 kids. Natuarally birth 3 of them without issues . my 3rd kid I birth naturally and was diagnosed with hsv1 genital a yr before her birth. Was on strict dose of Valtrex whole pregnancy. She was fine. My 4th baby same thing but I ended up having a c section with her because she would not turn . she was sideways in my belly. My kids age 21, 18, 16 and 22 months old. And they are healthy as can be.
I have 2 kids and neither of them have it. I did have c sections because of complications but its worth talking to your gym about potential risks.
Have herpes & feel alone? Meet nearby people with herpes

PositiveSingles is one of the most popular dating websites for people suffering from herpes and other STD. It was initiated in 2001. With 1,510,800+ members you are sure to find lots of potentail people around you.
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Ways to Avoid Getting Herpes While Pregnant
The following steps can help make the risk even smaller:
- Talk with your obstetrician or midwife. Make sure he or she knows you have genital herpes.
- At the time of labor, your healthcare provider should examine you early in labor with a strong light to detect any sores or signs of an outbreak. Let your provider know if you have any signs of an outbreak—itching, tingling, or pain.
- If you have an active outbreak at the time of delivery, the safest course is a Cesarean section to prevent the baby from coming into contact with virus in the birth canal. If you do not have an active outbreak, you can have a vaginal delivery.
- Ask your provider not to break the bag of waters around the baby unless necessary. The bag of waters may help protect the baby against any virus in the birth canal.
- Ask your provider not to use a fetal scalp monitor (scalp electrodes) during labor to monitor the baby’s heart rate unless medically necessary. This instrument makes tiny punctures in the baby’s scalp, which may allow herpes virus to enter. In most cases, an external monitor can be used instead.
- Ask that a vacuum or forceps not be used during delivery unless medically necessary. These instruments can also cause breaks in the baby’s scalp, allowing virus to enter.
- After birth, watch the baby closely for about three weeks. Symptoms of neonatal herpes may include a skin rash, fever, crankiness, or lack of appetite. While these can be symptoms of several mild illnesses, don’t wait to see if your baby will get better. Take him or her to the pediatrician at once. Be sure to tell the pediatrician you have genital herpes.
- Women who don't have genital herpes should be careful about sex during the third trimester. Unless you know for sure that your partner is herpes free, avoid sex altogether during the third trimester. If your partner gets cold sores (oral herpes), he or she should not perform oral sex on you during this time.
- Some doctors think all women should be tested for herpes when they get pregnant, especially if their sex partners have herpes. Ask your doctor if you or your partner should be tested.
Have herpes & feel alone? Meet nearby people with herpes

PositiveSingles is one of the most popular dating websites for people suffering from herpes and other STD. It was initiated in 2001. With 1,510,800+ members you are sure to find lots of potentail people around you.
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Know more facts about herpes outbreak:
First herpes outbreak | Recurrent herpes outbreaks | Stages of a herpes outbreak | How long does a herpes outbreak last | How often do herpes outbreaks occur? | What can trigger herpes outbreaks? | How to recognize a herpes outbreak? | How to prevent herpes outbreaks | Viral shedding | Herpes treatment | How to strengthen your immune system